Tapping into intuition + Inner Wisdom Meditation
To live your most aligned life, tapping into your intuition, should be part of your daily practice. Its your innate guidance system, and in most people its highly under utilised! Much like building any muscle in the body, your intuition will get stronger the more you use it. Journaling is a good way to tap into your inner wisdom. You can write out situations that cause you strong emotions, and gently probe into why you feel this way, is there a story attached to the emotion? Is there a past hurt influencing this feeling/story? Ask what it is that you need and then write out the answer with no judgement. You may want to envision a loved one, you inner mother or guiding angel. I like to envision a kindly wise woman. Hold this image. Breathe deeply, then write. What comes up for you?
Journaling daily will provide you with insights, into repeating stories or stereotypes you may find yourself buying into. When you notice these stories come up, ask yourself is this thought mine? If not who told it to me? Is it even a true story? If you think it is true, how can you really know that it is true and in what ways do you look to prove the story right? These questions are from the work of Byron Katie and is hugely beneficial in questioning mindset and the stories we tell ourselves. I would recommend everyone reads her books!
As you write, allow yourself to release all the stories, the emotions, the drama, EVERYTHING!! Writing is very cathartic and in writing out our thoughts on the page it allows our brains to organise and make sense of our struggles and emotions by putting them into story form. You may also like to gently allow the inner voice to answer your questions. Allow yourself to ask, what do I need ? And then as you write, watch for the answers, perhaps it's a nap, maybe a hot drink, perhaps a walk in nature. Just write and allow your pen to flow, you maybe surprised in the answers that come up, it could be very gentle nudges, or very clear bold language popping off the page!
Meditation is a great way to provide space in your mind for clarity, calm and hearing your wisdom. You could try this imaginative meditation exercise that I use regularly to tap into your inner wisdom.
Inner Wisdom Meditation
Get comfortable, put on some gentle music if you wish and close your eyes. In your mind, I want you to envision you are walking down a hallway. In your hand there is a key. This key could be as ornate or as simple as you like. As you walk, you come to a door. Take a moment and see the details on this door, is it simple and modern? Is it old? What material and colour is it? Notice now there is a key hole, and that the key in your hand fits into this lock. Put the key in and turn to open the door. As the door swings open, step over the threshold and into a lovely room, a room in which you feel utterly at home and at peace in. Let the door gently close behind you. Take a moment and gaze around your surroundings. What shape is the room? Is it modern and airy? Cosy and cottage like? Take a moment to really form the room into the kind of place you would love to spend time in…..
(For example my inner room, is large with lots of windows spilling in the most beautiful light, theres a fire with chairs arranged in front of it, walls are lined with books and art and plants. Across the room there is a slight step up to another smaller room and this one has coloured glass windows, a large table and shelves lined with potions, crystals and herbs).
Once your perfect room is fully formed, take a seat in one of your comfortable chairs. As you recline comfortably you hear footsteps. Your guide is coming to great you. Allow yourself to receive your guide without any preconceived ideas. Notice what your guide looks like. Do they have a clear form? Are they male or female? Are they even human? How are they dressed? (My inner guide is a short elderly woman, with amazing long silver hair arranged in two braids). As your guide gives you a welcoming embrace, notice the comforting, safe energy they give off. You feel yourself relax even more as you know you are completely and utterly safe here. This is your inner sanctum, it is only for you.
Now you and your guide have greeted each other you can start to tell your guide your problem (physical, emotional etc). Listen for the wisdom your guide may give back to you. Perhaps your guide may just listen and make you a healing brew, or a soothing poultice. Perhaps your guide may just wrap you up in a blanket and sing to you whilst stroking your head. Let your guide give you the inner wisdom, healing/medicine you need.
When your guide has finished. Know you have received what you have needed. Thank your guide and let them know you’ll be back to visit them as often as you can. Stand up and exit through the door you entered through, and put the key in your pocket for safe keeping. Walk slowly back down the hall as you start to gently move your physical body and come back to the here and now. When you are ready take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.
You have just completed your inner wisdom meditation. How do you feel? What wisdom or healing did you receive? You may wish to journal your thoughts and feelings whilst they are fresh in your mind. Try and use this inner wisdom meditation when ever you feel in need of wisdom, comfort and healing. It is a beautiful way to help you feel connected to your universal guidance and to give yourself the love and comfort you deserve.
If you’d like a recorded version of this meditation, head over to my Instagram page and you’ll find one in my IGTV section.