You are the medicine
How many times have you looked for answers outside of your self? How many times have you quietly given your energy, your money, your power away by differing to someone else? Someone else who is more learned than you, someone else who is in a more senior position, someone with a degree, or an expert in some area.
What if I told you, you were the expert? Theres nobody on the planet more knowledgeable, more well versed in the subject of you, than YOU. You are the medicine. You are the truth serum, the energy barometer. YOU.
Let that sink in for a minute.
We are taught from a young age to look to others for the answers. Every time a well meaning parent told us to deny our emotions, don't cry, stop that tantrum, be the good girl… We look to our teachers to tell us how to think, to healthcare providers to tell us the answers (We need healthcare, no, Im not anti medical establishment) and to tell us all the ways our bodies are broken or letting us down. Most of us forget to go within and check in with ourselves. Does this information I'm receiving or being taught feel right to me? Does it resonate and sit right in my gut? Is my body trying to tell me something or get my attention through this illness or injury? Are there unrecognised/unresolved emotions attached? Louise Hay has some great information about health and the mind-body connection, if you want to delve deeper.
Tapping into your intuition, should be part of your daily practice, its your innate guidance system, and in most people its highly under utilised! Much like building any muscle in the body, your intuition will get stronger the more you use it. Journaling is a good way to tap into your inner wisdom. You can write out situations that cause you strong emotions, and gently probe into why you feel this way, is there a story attached to the emotion? Is there a past hurt influencing this feeling/story? Ask what it is that you need and then write out the answer with no judgement. You may want to envision a loved one, you inner mother or guiding angel. I like to envision a kindly wise woman. Hold this image. Breathe deeply, then write. What comes up for you?
Keep track of all your inner nigglings, your inner guidance in a note book or a note on your phone and be sure to note when you proved your self right! This can be handy to refer back to when you doubt your inner knowing.
Ask to receive a sign or symbol, some type of guidance from the universe that will help you feel like you are on the right track. Then be open to the form or way you receive this feedback. It could be a song on the radio, reading a passage in a book, a movie scene, some one saying just the right words to you at just the right moment or it could be seeing a symbol that means something to you (mine is a peacock) when you are out and about doing your normal every day activities.
Using tools such as oracle cards, pendulums or runes can be a great way to help you tap into your intuition and get the guidance that you need. Theres so many great card decks out there now days, your sure to find something that is just right for you and speaks to your soul.
Don’t forget to record your dreams upon waking, as dreams also have important information for us to decipher.
If you’d like more guidance on tuning into your intuition, please sign up to the pop up box at the bottom of the home page to receive the link to my free masterclass on Cultivating Intuition. In this video you will learn five simple ways to help you tap in and clearly hear your inner/higher self. 1:1 coaching calls are also available.